Sunday, October 28, 2018

Module 9 Drawing

It was interesting to try and draw my hand as it is not something I've tried before. I did enjoy drawing to scale, but it was also hard to get the proportions correct. I used charcoal as my medium because I like to sketch with charcoal. I have an easier time giving my drawings depth and movement with charcoal. It also helps me figure out the lighting. I had a hard time drawing with my left hand, but it surprisingly wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was just a weird feeling to hold a piece of charcoal and it made it more difficult to get the lines to go where I wanted them. I think both drawings are successful and I believe there is room for improvement with both. I'm sure if I kept practicing with my left hand I could improve it greatly. I don't think I'll go out of my way to practice drawing with my left because I feel like I still need improvement with my right hand.

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